How you holdin’ up?
Got some BIG FEELINGS that are leaving you at a loss for words?
I’m hearing a lot of you are very justifiably struggling with overwhelm right now— Everything feels so BIG! There’s so much that needs to be said! The stakes are so high! And, and, and… maybe you’re collapsing under the weight of it?
In my experience, this is a good time to lower the stakes and just play for a minute.
So, to help you take the pressure off and gently rev your creative engines, I’ve created a simple six-line poetry prompt game disguised as a survey.
There’s no wrong way to play this game, it is fast and you need no special skills: Fun, quick but disarmingly deep, discover something surprising about yourself and your world with these simple prompts about BIG things.
Your answers create their own beautiful logic in the form of a six-line poem.
To play, just click here:
My best advice from years of delivering this prompt? Don’t overthink your answers! Let the first vital thing that leaps to mind land as it is— it’s usually the most interesting…
I’ll be watching excitedly to see what themes and through-lines appear across your responses. I will share your 6-line poems anonymously with the community here so we can marvel at the magical synchronicities that invariably arise between players.
❤️ Until next week: Take it easy & let it be playful whenever and however you can, my friends.
ps: I said last week that I’d be sharing a creative meditation today! This is not that because I got the cold from hell and turned into a snot monster. Snot monsters make for very non-meditative sounding voiceovers—So! Enjoy this game instead! Meditation coming soon. xoxo
holy shit I LOVED doing that exercise, lisette! I have never answered questions like those. it reeaalllyyyy brought me back in touch with myself and my vision. actually, I didn't think I even had vision until I did this? you're a genius wtf
I'm wondering if there is a glitch with the survey button? It takes me back to a page with your most recent writings, no survey