Member poetry share ⭐️ Join us Sunday!
This Sunday write poetry inspired by the art of Remedios Varo
•THIS SUNDAY! July 7th, 10:30am-12:30pm central- Online, “Ekphrastic Fantastic: Write poetry inspired by the art of Remedios Varo”, hosted on the Vision Train Zoom : FREE!
•Sunday, July 28th, 10:30am-12:30pm central- Image Word Mystery’s Mind-Bending, Heart-Opening, Creative Jam! On Lisette’s personal Zoom: FREE for Paid Subscribers -or- $25 here.
"That theater of yearning/ Proudly allowing dawn/ To fawn over all"

Grab yer notebook & let’s start with a prompt:
Looking at the image above, quickly ask yourself what 3 words it evokes. No wrong answers. Write them down. Quick! Quick!
Pick one of those words— This is the first word of a 5 word poem! Write the first word and give yourself four blank spots following it. ie: WORD+____+____+____+____. That will be your poem.
Set a timer for 3 minutes! Once your line is set up with the first word, look back at the image and begin to toy with what four words follow that first word. Write down ideas as they come until you land on the one that’s just right. Don’t work longer than 3 minutes!
Leave your 5-word-poems here:
You have just written an EKPHRASTIC poem!
That is: Poetry inspired by looking closely at a piece of art.
That’s what we’ll be doing again this Sunday with the art of badass surrealist Remedios Varo.
Here are three poems written by Image Word Mystery members during Ekphrastic Fantastic…
Shara Osgood, Miles Seiden & myself each wrote poems in response to the above Self-Portrait by Leonora Carrington during a ten-minute prompt.
🐎 What similarities do you notice in our poems? How are they different? What leaps out at you?:
(I highly recommend reading these out loud— To fill your mouth with the poetry of a friend is sweet sustenance!)
Reflections on Self Portrait of Leonora Carrington by Shara Osgood My shoes Pointed, buttoned, severe Restricting & limiting me Mere tender supports For my vigorous life Crazy wild fire And electric edges The starkness Of my containment Yellowed drapery The stage for The dramatic What could be My life Things that Might have Been
Leonora’s Lead by Miles Seiden Eager to be free As a horse unbridled She settled For the sad, saddleless Wooden model Softly rocking the walled spaces Of mind and matter Like an oaken token From a long-forgotten fairy tale Shaded pale by petrified time And carried by the air Apparent in Carrington’s canvas Of woven fiber And untamed hair Maneless and tailless Her unclad Samson Would forever face The graceful gait Of a fully out there mare Dispersing the forested fog Beyond the square Confines of a blue-gray Ceiling and corner Punctuated by parted Canary curtains That framed the aperture Of a flat adventure — That theater of yearning Proudly allowing dawn To fawn over all Preoccupied and prepped For her next ride Leonora sidled up to her seat Styled in white jodhpurs Black paddocks And a peaky green jacket She sighed inside Daringly hedged at the edge Of a barely-there chair Its minuscule legs Like pegs improbably propping The fidgeting physics of possibility And casting periphrastic shadows On tilted terra cotta tiles She reached across the room Concealing forked coordinates From the outlook of onlookers Right hand expanding Distractedly dexterous digits Toward a three-teated hyena Raising a mirrored paw To meet its manifester With wild and banded scavengers Its medieval people eyes Staring fiercely forward Alongside Leonora Locked everlong In a surreal scene Surrounded by self-symbols And the smudge Of a once-essence
Self-Portrait by Lisette Murphy I've tamed the beast but she wilded me... My blue eyed hyena, my food my source. For my next act: Watch me go off the rails! For my next act: Catch me if you can!
Join us this Sunday for creative play!
July 7th, 10:30am-12:30pm central- Online, “Ekphrastic Fantastic: Poetry inspired by the art of Remedios Varo”, hosted on the Vision Train Zoom, FREE
And for $6 a month or $60 a year you can join me for every live Creative Jam: mind-bending, heart-opening, writing-drawing-playing-prompting sessions on Zoom. Our next Jam is July 28th! Upgrade to paid to join for free- or find tickets here.
⭐️In coming weeks I’m very excited to share full features on Shara, Miles and several more long-time friends of Image Word Mystery. These are the folks who have been making ecstatic poetry & tender art with me from the beginning of the Vision Train & ViTra Academy. Each of them artists, poets and visionaries, you’ll see what makes creating together in this circle so potent!
Loved this practice!! Thanks Lisette!!
Untamed, the envy of manifest.